MCQ’s on Talent Management in SHRM with Answers

Talent Management is a challenging task in today’s organization. Even though HR department plays a major role in Talent Management it is actually a responsibility of all employees in the organization. Hence we have given Interesting MCQ’s on Talent Management in SHRM with Answers.

Further for betterment of students and professional we have given this Interesting MCQ’s on Talent Management in SHRM with Answers. This will help you to understand the concept and also to check your understanding.

MCQ’s on Talent Management in SHRM

1. Talent management is a process involves
A. attracting and retaining high-quality employees
B. developing their skills,
C. continuously motivating them to improve their performance.
D. All of the above

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D. All of the above

2. Talent Management is a _________________ Process
A. Constant Process
B. Planned Process
C. Retrospective Process
D. None of the above

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A. Constant Process

3. The primary focus of Talent Management is to create
A. a support for organisation strategy
B. Satisfied Work force
C. Motivated Work Force
D. Matching model for organisation strategy

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C. Motivated Work Force

4. Talent Management focus to create a workforce who will _______________________
A. Compete with each other
B. Work beyond expectation
C. Gain knowledge
D. Stay in the organisation for the long run

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D. Stay in the organization for the long run

MCQ’s on Why TM

5. It is not enough to expect that just because ____________, you are managing talent.
A. you have an HR department
B. You have good Employees
C. You pay good Compensation
D. Your culture is supportive

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A. you have an HR department

6. You need to have a talent management strategy in place designed just for your company
A. Attract Employees
B. to gain optimal results
C. Gain Competitive advantage
D. Increase Morale

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B. to gain optimal results

7. Which among the following is not an importance of Talent Management
A. helps in business performance
B. Enhance Production capacity
C. Decrease turnover
D. Motivates others to perform

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B. Enhance production capacity

MCQ’s on Models of Talent Management

8. Talent Management Model doesn’t include which of the following:
A. Transitioning
B. Retaining
C. Attracting
D. Analyzing

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D. Analyzing

9. Talent Management process ends with which of the following
A. Strategy for retention
B. Hold performance appraisal
C. Plan for succession
D. Specify what skills you need

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C. Plan for succession

10. The components of Integrated Talent Management Model are__________
A. Assess, Acquire, Deploy, Develop
B. Assess, Acquire, Deploy, Develop, Evaluate
C. Assess, Acquire, Develop
D. Assess, Acquire, Estimate, Deploy, Develop, Evaluate

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Answer: A. Assess, Acquire, Deploy, Develop

Specific HR strategy Doesn’t include strategies for
A. Strategic Fit
B. Talent Management
C. Succession Planning
D. Reward

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A. Strategic Fit

MCQ’s on Basic TM

11. Talent Management is analyzing the right talent gaps for the
A. Current Condition
B. Future Condition
C. Neither A nor B
D. Both A & B

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D. Both A & B

12. There are ____________ components in Integrated Talent Management Model
A. 5
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6

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C. 4

13. Specific HR strategy Doesn’t include strategies for
A. Strategic Fit
B. Talent Management
C. Succession Planning
D. Reward

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A. Strategic Fit

To conclude, Hope you have found these MCQ’s on Talent Management in SHRM with answer interesting. You can find other MCQ’s here 

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