Interesting and Current Topics in SHRM


Strategic Human Resource Management, SHRM is getting attention in almost all the companies and the Top management also understanding the Importance of SHRM. SHRM creates an integration between HR Strategies and organisational Goal. Hence it is important for all of us to know the concept of SHRM. However we have discussed some Interesting and Current Topics in SHRM which can be helpful for all of us.

These Interesting and current topics in SHRM contains topics related to talent management, Strategies in HR, Global HRM etc. Moreover these Interesting and current topics in SHRM can be used in presentation, Discussion, Debate, GD etc.

Latest Topics in SHRM

# Types of HR Strategies

# Strategic role of HR manager

# Framework of HRD

# Life cycle of Organisation

# HRD- Life cycle

# Formulate HR Strategies

# Talent Management

# Career Planning

# Succession Planning

# Competencies based on HRM

# Integrated HR Practices

# Employee Retention Strategies

Best Topics on Strategic HRM

# Cross Culture Diversity

# Managing Diversified Work force

# Merger and Acquisitions- Cross Border

# Strategies for Merger and Acquisitions

# Learning Organisations

# HRM in Learning Organisations

# Employee Engagement Strategies

# Competitive Advantage

# HR Strategies for Organisational Goal

# The 4 P’s of SHRM

Trending Topics for Presentation

# Compensation Management

# Global Compensation- Emerging Issues

# Performance Appraisal

# Challenges of Performance Appraisal

# Attraction and Retention

# Retention Strategies

# Competency Mapping

Topics on Global SHRM

# International and Domestic HRM

# Global Staffing

# Competitive Advantage Global Context

# Barriers to SHRM

# Ethical Environment- Global level

# Ethics in HR

# Staffing Policies – International 

You can use these trending topics for presentation in SHRM, Global  HRM, HR Strategies, Strategic HRM, Learning Organisation etc. You can find more relevant topics in HRM

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