Everything about Job Analysis


In this article you can find everything about Job Analysis. meaning, uses and Contents of Job Analysis.

Meaning of Job Analysis:

Job Analysis is a systematic process by which management gathers & analyses information related to the task, duties, responsibilities of job with in the organization. Job analysis contains every minute detail about The management collect the information about what an individual needs to do to fulfil his duties assigned in the job, Knowledge and skill required to complete the task etc.

Use / Benefits of Job Analysis:

Job Analysis gives information about Job Description & Job Specification :

Job description and Job Specification can be derived from Jab Analysis itself. These two Job description and specification will be very useful at the time of Recruitment.

Human Resource Planning:

Job Analysis provides every information about the job. On this basis of Job analysis the management can understand the time and manpower required to complete particular task in the organisation. On this basis it will be possible to estimates the future man power need of the organisation which is known as Human Resource Planning.

Recruitment & Selection:

Job analysis provides information about what to do in a job, how it has to be done and what is required to complete the task etc. Hence while performing the process of recruitment, Job analysis will assist in identifying the skills that are expected from the aspiring candidates. The selection will also be systematic as the selector will know the basis of selection.

Training & Development:

The job analysis will clearly insist the knowledge and skill set that are required to perform a task. If an employee is assigned with a task and the management finds that the required skills or knowledge need to be improved, then the management can plan for training and development. It cam also be said that Job analysis will answer the questions like What to be imparted in training, Whom to be trained, When to be trained etc…


As discussed earlier Job analysis will give all minute details about the job hence it will give a base to fix the remuneration for each post.

Job Evaluation: 

Job analysis will tell you what are the roles and responsibilities that is involved in a particular position. Hence it will be possible for the management to give weight-age to each and every post in the organisation. Hence assigning the value to each job which is also known as job evaluation will also be possible with the help of Job analysis

Performance Appraisal:

It is important to asses the performance of each and every employee in the organisation. in this tedious process also job analysis plays a vital role. Job analysis will provide a solution for, what needs to be analysed for each post, what is the standard or expected performance from each employee, Who must analyse, Whom to be analysed etc..

Safety and health:

AS job analysis give thorough knowledge about the job it will also contains the detail about the risk involved in the job. Hence the health and safety policy can be systematically prepared with the help of Job analysis. Like if the job involves health hazards then the management make it compulsory for the employees to wear helmet, Goggle, Safety shoes, Hand gloves etc..

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