Here you can find various types of grievances. We have also discussed meaning of grievances and factors that cause grievances.
Meaning of Grievances
Grievance means any type of dissatisfaction or discontentment’s arising out of factors related to an employee’s job which he thinks are unfair.
A grievance arises when an employee feels that something has happened or is happening to him which he thinks is unfair, unjust or inequitable.
In an organization, a grievance may arise due to several factors such as:
- Violation of management’s responsibility like poor working conditions
- Violation of company’s rules and regulations
- Violation of labour laws
- Violation of natural rules of justice such as unfair treatment in promotion, etc.
Various sources of grievance may be categorized under three heads: (i) management policies, (ii) working conditions, and (iii) personal factors
Grievance resulting from management policies include:
Wage rates, Leave policy, Overtime, Lack of career planning, Role conflicts, Lack of regard for collective agreement, Disparity between skill of worker and job responsibility etc.
Grievance resulting from working conditions include:
Poor safety and bad physical conditions, Unavailability of tools and proper machinery, Negative approach to discipline, Unrealistic targets.
Grievance resulting from inter-personal factors include:
Poor relationships with team members, Autocratic leadership style of superiors, Poor relations with seniors, Conflicts with peers and colleagues.