Meaning of Void Agreements


This article mainly focus on meaning of void agreements in Indian contract act 1872. We have given meaning, various types and concept of Void Agreements with suitable examples.

Meaning of void agreements:-

An agreement which is not enforceable by Law is called Void Agreements.(sec 2 (9))

The Agreements which are coming under any of the below said criteria then it is called as void agreements :-

• Agreement by incompetent parties (Sec 11)

When the parties are not competent then it is void

• Agreement under mutual mistake of fact ( Sec 20 )

When there is any misunderstanding of any fact about the agreement by both the parties. i.e. Both the parties commit mistake unintentionally about any fact of the agreement then it is void

• Agreement in which the consideration or object is not lawful (Sec 23)

When the consideration by either of the party is not legal completely then it is void

• Agreement in which the consideration or object is not lawful in part (Sec 24)

When the consideration by either of the party is not legal partly then it is void

• Agreement made without consideration ( sec 25)

When there is no consideration at all involved in the agreement then it is void

• Agreement in restrain of marriage (Sec 26)

When an agreement made against any marriage then it is void. eg.. if A says B that if you don’t marry C I will pay you rs.10000 then it is an void agreement.

• Agreement in restrain of trade (Sec 27)

When an agreement made against any trade then it is void. eg.. if A says B that if you don’t trade with C I will pay you rs.10000 then it is an void agreement.

• Agreement in restrain of legal proceedings (Sec 28)

When an agreement made against any legal proceedings then it is void. eg.. if A says B that if you don’t file a case against C who stolen your purse I will pay you rs.10000 then it is an void agreement.

• Agreements to do impossible Acts (Sec 56)

The agreements which are entered to do some impossible acts is void agreement for example A agrees to B to pay him rs.10000 and B agrees to bring rain which is not possible. Then the agreement is said to be void.

• Agreements contingent on impossible event (Sec 36)

• Wager Agreement (Sec 30)

Meaning of wager agreement:-

• It is an agreement between two parties by which one party agrees to pay money on the happening of some uncertain event in consideration of the other party’s promise to pay if the event does not happen.

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