Importance of Labour Laws

Here you can find the importance of labour laws which is applicable in any situation. Peace and harmony in the organization is very important for the economic development of any nation. To bring that peace and harmony in industries there needs a law.
When the capital and man power goes hand in hand the industry can prosper and aid the nation for a good economic condition. Hence it is important for the government to concentrate in the area of harmony in the industries. By implementing certain law for labour the government can try to provide a safety working environment to the employees.

Importance of Labour Laws:

The following are some of the points which one can list out as the importance of labour laws. The points are discussed in a general view not about any particular country. Globally the laws are made more or less same in respect to the labours.

Ensure fair wages to workers:

The Labour laws, regarding to wages, ensures fair wages to the labour. In every nation where ever labour laws are implemented they make a minimum amount mandatory to be paid to the labour which is according to the cost of living of the nation. No employer can pay less than that minimum wages to any employee.
Eg. In India floor level employee’s minimum wages is Rs.167 and for skilled it is

Child Labour:

There were no restrictions on the child labours till the date Labour Law is been implemented. Many problems have been faced by the children’s in the industries like more working time, less wages, hazardous work etc. The law regarding Child labour and restrictions laid by the government on engaging the child labour regularized the situation of child labour in the industries to a remarkable level.

Safety and health:

Every manufacturing unit involves heavy machineries in their production process. These machineries also add risk to the employees who are working in it. Hence labour law imposed several sections which are with a motive ensure maximum safety to the life and health of the employees in the industries.

Proper working condition:

Labour Law imposed some sections which deals with the temperature to be maintained in the factory, Humidity, cleanliness, sitting place for the employees etc. which will lead to a proper and comfortable working condition o the employees.

Employees Union:

Labour laws have provided a way for the employees to form their own union through which they can fight for their rights. Acts like industrial disputes Act, Trade Union Act in India made a proper structure for employees union and provided the unions with certain rights which are must. This will help the industries to maintain peace and harmony between the employees and the employers.

Working Hours:

Before the introduction of laws related to labours the employees were suppose to work in such a condition where the working are not fixed, usually very long. This was also a major concern for the law makers. They prescribed a standard for fixing the working hours of labours. Separate working hours and working time were also fixed for female employees in the industries.


The above said points were some of the points which speak about the importance of the labour laws in the nation. Apart from this Labour law also laid certain sections like compensation, Leaves, maternity etc, which are for the benefit of the employee.

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