Groups in Organisational Behaviour


Groups in Organisational Behaviour holds a greater importance. In this article we have given definition and meaning of group, Attributes of groups, Group Dynamics and other related concepts.

Definition of Group:

“Two or more individuals, interacting and Interdependent, who have come together to achieve particular objectives.”

“ A collection of two or more interacting individuals with a stable pattern of relationship between them, who share common goals and who perceives themselves as being a group”.

Attributes of groups

A set of people engage in frequent interactions

They identify with one another.

They are defined as a group by themselves and others.

They have shared goals, beliefs, values, and norms about areas of common interest.

They identify themselves as members.

They come together to work on common tasks and for agreed purposes.

Why do people join the group

Companionship – groups provide members to simply be in the company of other people.

Survival and security – people want to be in the safety of others. They don’t want to stand alone. People feel stronger when are a part of a team.

Affiliation and status – membership into various groups can provide individuals with certain socials status’ or security.

Power and control– with group membership comes the opportunity for leadership roles; individuals who feel they need to exert their power and opinions over others can have such experiences within group settings.

Achievement – groups have the capability to achieve more than individuals acting alone.

Self Esteem- people feel self worth when they are in a group. They feel their importance

Group Dynamics

This term was popularized by Kurt Lewin during 1930. It means that the social process by which people interact face-to-face in small groups are called as Group Dynamics.

LUTHANS said Group Dynamics is primarily concerned with “the interaction of forces between group members in a social situation.”

Group Dynamics also includes

It describes how a group should be organized and conducted.

It consist of set of techniques such as role-play, brain storming, sensitivity training etc…

It deals with internal nature of groups, how the group form, function, structure, process how it affects its members and other groups in the organization.

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