It is interesting to know the meaning of Career Planning in HRM. It is the systematic process by which one selects career goals and the path to these goals. From the organization’s viewpoint, it means helping the employees to plan their career in terms of their capacities within the context of organization’s needs.
It involves designing an organizational system of career movement and growth opportunities for employees from the employment stage to the retirement stage. Individuals who can fill planned future positions are identified and prepared to take up these positions. Career planning is the process of matching career goals and individual capabilities with opportunities for their fulfilment.
Career planning is a process of developing human resources rather than an event. It is not an end in itself but a means of managing people to obtain optimum results.
Career planning is a continuous process due to an ever changing environment.
Basically career planning is an individual’s responsibility. But it is the responsibility of an organization to provide guidance and counselling to its employees in planning their careers and in developing and utilizing their knowledge and skills. Goals of employees should be integrated with the organizational goals. The basic aim of career planning is integration of individual and organizational needs.
Career Planning depends on the interest of the employees. And also in the stage in which the employee is there.